Move your business

to the next level

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  • Booking Engine

    Accelerate your commission free and build your guest loyalty

  • F&B Solution

    One system can control F&B solution. 

  • E-shop

    Increase upsell revenue

  • Sales Channels

    Connect over 200+ sales channels on your own wish

  • Distributor Channel

    As a bridge connected hotel and

  • Guest Engagement

    Drive guest engagement and increase your direct business

  • Seamless Payment Solution

    Shorten hotel payment cycle; reduce bank fee for travel agents

  • China Marketing

    Build your brand awareness in the largest tourist market

  • Travel Agent Solution

    Expand your product globally

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Booking Engine

VHSHUB bookingengine provides a complete hospitality solutions toincrease direct B2C and B2B

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  • Booking system

    One system can manage B2C and B2B channel.

  • Sales channel

    Expand your global partners

  • Business efficiency

    Improve staff productivity and business efficiency

  • CRM

    Increase customer loyalty by using CRM system

  • Wallet payment

    Provide seamless payment solution to shorten Hotel paymentcycle and save cost to Travel Agents

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Increase hotel revenue with VHSHUB Food & Beverage services.

Food and Beverage System

Food and beverage is another largest income source in the hotel. Using VHSHUB F&B services, wecan turn it into a major profit driver.

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  • Online table reservations

    Make sure customer have table available upon purchase meal package

  • Coupon

    Free to collect or purchase a coupon both are available. Both coupons are support online redemption

  • Promotion

    Support promotion on dedicated dining slot with inventory control

  • CRM

    Centralized CRM system

  • Cross-border payment

    Support various payment solution

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Reach your customers all over the globe.

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  • Delivery Options

    We provide door to door service or pick up at hotel on a schedule time

  • Promotion

    Support various promotions to cater different type of campaign

  • Product analysis

    Product analysis report will show the bestselling products, campaign analysis

  • Variouswebsite template

    To reduce the production, we provide various website template or even hotel can create their own template in their own style

  • Various payment solution

    Provide various
    payment solutions

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Sales Channels

One VHSHUB system can manage your B2C and B2B channels

Direct channel

Accelerate booking commission, hassle free to connect most major social media channels in China.

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  • Connect major channel managers

    Full integrated with WeChat, seamless connect with XiaoHongShu and Duoyin

  • Connect major channel managers

    Integrated with major channel managers to support real time rate, availability and instant hotel confirmation

  • Promotion

    Support promotion on dedicated dining slot with inventory control

  • CRM

    Provides various rewards to engage with hotel member

  • Cross-border payment

    Support various payment solution

  • Separate rate and inventory for special campaign

    Promo code allows hotel to offer special rate and allotment on dedicated campaign

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Distributor Channel

As a bridge connected hotel and distributors.

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  • Easy sign up

    Just few clicks to increase 200+ distributors

  • Connect major channel managers

    Support dynamic and static connectivity

  • Autonomous distributor channel

    Support various promotion on dedicated dining slot with inventory control

  • Walletpayment

    Shorten payment cycle, no dispute and more safe

  • Distributor analysis

    At a glance distributor performance

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Guest Engagement

Innovative reward member programs. 

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  • Member-Get-Member (MGM)

    Double up hotel membership within 4 months

  • Connectivity

    Able to connect with hotel CRM  

  • Coupon system

    Provide various rooms, food and beverage cash coupon. Coupons transferrable. System also able to integration with thirdparty CRM platforms.

  • Integration

    Connected with various partners to provide an innovative business opportunity

Seamless Payment Solution

We provide a simple, secure and low-cost payment solution to both Hotel and Distributors.  By using this system, hotel can save the extra credit card apart from commission.  Distributors can save FX rate from VCC and
bank fees. 

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China Marketing

Not just marketing, we are more focused on ROI. 

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  • Xiao Hong Shu(XHS)

    Channel traffic can boost your 10 times of your advertising investment

  • Wechat

    Create brand consistency, streamline workflows, enhance collaboration and boost ROI.

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Travel Agent Solution

Have you own your travel agent booking system that can sell rooms, ticketing, and souvenirs or a tailor-made solution also provide.

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